Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
In this episode, Nick & Brie explore good techniques to EDIT your writing, how to refuel your artistic tank & we give a few shout outs to other podcasts we've been checking out. AMONGST SO MANY OTHER THINGS!Check it out, and #StruggleOn!
Monday Aug 03, 2015
Monday Aug 03, 2015
In this episode, we talk to Dan Rosen; a Toronto screenwriter currently working on developing his short film "Joe & Mary's Kid" into a feature. Be sure to check out the short right here: https://vimeo.com/92735757.We talk to Dan about his many current projects, his studies, his hotel job and his own constant struggles.Listen to his episode, follow him on Twitter @dantheguyrosen and #StruggleOn folks!
Sunday Jul 05, 2015
Sunday Jul 05, 2015
The struggle continues as Nick has a new deadline to meet before his family vacation to Scotland and Brie's working 7-days a week for the next month; long hours, and little spare time to devote to comedy. Find out what they're doing to keep it going.Share your personal struggles with us at @strugglepod or at constantstrugglepod@gmail.comStruggle On!
Thursday Jun 25, 2015
Thursday Jun 25, 2015
In this episode, Nick and Brie discuss their respective artistic struggle and deal with certain issues like guilt, rejection, networking and the GRIND. We're trying to find ways to stay motivated to help us keep creating and moving forward.Give it a listen! If you wish to discuss your daily grind on a future episode, give us a shout at @StrugglePod.#StruggleOn everybody!
Monday Jun 15, 2015
Monday Jun 15, 2015
This month, we talk to our first special guest EVER, triple-threat and hilarious improviser/sketch comedian, Susannah Kiernan (@SusannahKiernan). We go on a journey into her creative struggles and discover all the stops she's taken along the way (like Switzerland!) to become the performer (via /fashionista/EA/Caterer/Server/Personal Trainer/Professional Smoothie-Creator) she is today!Go ahead, give it a listen... & Struggle On, friends!
Wednesday May 20, 2015
Wednesday May 20, 2015
This month, Nick and Brie explore the darker side of the artistic struggle; they discuss tactics to get out of feeling down, but also how to accept it and use it to a creative advantage by exploring the darkness!
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
This month, we talk about more struggles! Hooray! Like the struggle/victory of rejection, struggles for organization, struggles to stay positive and to get to the Marc Maron show on time!
Sunday Mar 29, 2015
Sunday Mar 29, 2015
Brie and Nick Watson talk taking on creative struggles. This first episode features thoughts on Writing, Editing, Time Management and this neverending Winter.A great listen for all creative minds.